Sunday, September 30, 2007

Start up script for Ubuntu for x11vnc

I was scratching my head about why I couldn't get remote access to the Ubuntu computer in the basement from my laptop. Dawned on me--I need to put the x11vnc startup script where Ubuntu will see it everytime it starts up. Dah. Welcome, that kept me from working on catching up with the checkbook balancing, which I am way behind on, and that I have been using the Linux program KMyMoney to do.

4:30; hit the tub

4:30, and Dorothea dropped the children off at the Unies. I am hitting
the tub. I now have Opera on the MDA, have figured out how to disable
the locking screen, and have started working my way through updating
and consolidating my contacts on Gmail

This morning, Liam and I walked Stella to Starbucks. He got a hot
chocolate and I coffee.

Madeline's parade was cancelled due to the rain.

When I went to grab the New York Times Magazine just now, I realized
it was "the college issue," thick, too. I was going to leave it
behind, but then thought perhaps i better take a look.


Formatting and Blogspot player

I have satisfied myself that the line breaking is a Blogspot issue, and that the best that I can do is to use a very simple template and just live with it.

I did discover which is a way to watch photos as they are uploaded to Blogspot. Hypnotic.

Furthermore, on the formatting thing, okay--looks like somebody (something) is putting in tags--not Blogspot, because Blogspot uses . Again, I will just have to live with it, perhaps clean it up periodically.

-- David

Blogspot formatting

Okay, here is the formatting scoop in regards to how I am doing mobile
blogging. The process starts with thumb-typing in Word on the MDA.
Then the text from the Word document is pasted into an email to The contents of this email are magically posted the
blogspot version of Some Kinda Possible. But there, the lines are
broken up too much.


Saturday, September 29, 2007

i?hone brick & antihistamines

iPhone bricks? Perhaps I have made the right choice. certainly there will be linux PPCs in two years when my contract is up. NYT obit of George Rieveschl, chemist who invented Benadryl has this--histamines are chemicals made in some cells that can damage capillaries, allowing blood plasma to leak into body tissues, causing swelling and itching. David

Intentional Moodra

Awoken from dream of walking with Sean and Liam in a kind of wooded exurbia area, Mankato like, a bit lost, looking for a new way down the and back to our car. Sean's cellphone rang. In the real world, the sound was the sound of the alarm I had originally set on the old cellphone to bring me out of meditation. I used that for about a week before getting the MDA. So here I am now, sitting at the Y, meditating and all these ideas occur to me that seem ripe for writing down. So I have decided to treat this like being moved by the light--though to thumb-type rather than speak. Madeline' s soccer team played a scrimmage against the coach's other team--Somali girls. They wore scarves and dresses. That led me to the idea of clitorisectomies. Need to look that up and to email to Madeline's Unitarian religious ed teachers. The voice an images in my head, my thoughts, are in one way old friends that have kept me company my whole life. Saying good by to them may not be easy. They may not want to go. Trigger for playing with my beard is daydreaming. Back to meditating until I can do it fifteen minutes uninterrupted. I see the MDA as akin to a medical device. I saw 211 on the scale this morning for the first time in almost two months. -- David

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dismantled Habituated Patterns

Dimantling Habituated Pattrns class was tonight. I had an assignment
and was caught off guard. Sure enough there it was--I had put into
this thing but hadn't acted on it. I have meditated for twenty minutes
a day.

Announced that my pattern would be playing with my beard. Someone said
"that just makes me think of lonely." whch feeds right into my sense
of me not knowing the secret handshake. Makes me think that in a way I
am lonely for myself.

Lonely for interaction that I don't get, maybe. That may be the thing
with my family and the Amygdala moment that I had at dinner the other
night--I lack confidence anyway because I don't think they're
interested anyway.

Yesterday the full moon was four or five diameters above the trees.
Today it is at two o'clock.

Shawn Cassidy 49 and Meatloaf 56.

Burma's military cracks down on the monks. How about them monks?

Trouble sleeping. My tummy is a little rough. Moved upstairs. To much
cantaloupe, maybe. I choked at dinner while eating cantaloupe.
Madeline said that she' d never seen that before.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Grady Booch


Walked out of work. Thought to phone home. But I have to unlock the
phone, so I didn't.

Today is the first day that I have snorted Nasonex since the end of
July. That is the usual way. I just gradually forget.

Went to the U of M tosee Grady Booch.

Grady booch beauty of software, reading in sftware? Trillions of lines
of code. Software saved his life anyorism? Digital dark age-decode ms
word in200yrs?

Ethics of software. Our products are invisible. Tube no more tunnels
closer trains.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dinner time Amygdala moment

Wonder how the state patrol cleared the traffic jam from the bridge collapse?

Wrote that this morning on the way to the Y. Seems long ago. Was it
worth the effort?

And now I add--that was kicked in as two police cars passed me. There
must have been a lot of backing up and turning around. I image it
looked like a demolition derby. This was unlike the type traffic
accident that gets cleared. There'd've been no clearing.

Yesterday I had a massive Amygdala Hijack. At the dinner table, as I
was beginning telling about my day, it seemed like everyone got up and
walked away. I was distraught and stunned. And then afterward sitting
in the livingroom, I told
everyone how I felt. It was probably one of those times I'd've been
better off saying nothing. This the difficult part where I should be
detailed and specific but that'd be hard. I wrote the bit about the
bridge instead. Dorothea said that was I making my family "other." it
is that doubleness of closeness as a comfort and an edge.

I wonder if I can make a connection with the bridge.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sacred Harp Convention

acred Harp singing at Murphy's Landing. Annual event, actually the
state convention. Beautiful Fall day. I had the easiest time singing
ever. Sat for two sessions, leaving just before the memorial lesson.
Thought about biking here, because there is a trail almost all the
way, but it would be maybe thirty miles.


Saturday, September 22, 2007

jane eyre

Dorothea took me to the Guthrie to see Jane Eyre. It was okay.
Professional, smooth, slick, and as Dorothea said, soulless. I had
wanted to go to the new theater. It looks very much like the old
theater on the inside. In a consession to modernness, the seats are
wider. In a consession to budget, leg room is tight, way tighter then
coach class. I will think long and hard before going back. We left at

Now we are sitting in the shade at Clicquot Club. We met at the
Guthrie each on bike and biked here afterwards.


Friday, September 21, 2007

Techie glitches

All righty then. I have figured out how to get to my gmail and just--I
think figured out how to post to a blog, thogh it is not my blog.

It is a blogspot mobile blog. Hmmm. There seems to be some techie
glitches about "claiming" it. Oh well.


go go go

went went went


first post



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