Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fwd: Monday, at Madeline's urging, we went to the AT&T store. Our

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Begin forwarded message:

From: David Schons <>
Date: July 29, 2009 11:10:35 PM CDT
Subject: Monday, at Madeline's urging, we went to the AT&T store. Our

Monday, at Madeline's urging, we went to the AT&T store. Our two- year contract with T-mobile has been up since April. She wanted Verizon because they had a phone she liked. I wanted an iPhone, a Pre, or at least an Android, none of which were top be had at Verizon.

T-mobile doesn't work with my employer's paging. (I have realized, however, that i probably don't want top get work pages on my personal cellphone, anyway?)

The Palm Pre odds with Sprint, and I've heard bad things about their service.

Oh, T-mobile has the Android. See the paging note above.

That left the AT&T/Apple cabal. I am at their mercy.

Madeline ended up loving her phone, a Nokia of some sort or other. Liam loves Dorothea's.

Me, I was thinking of the whole enchilatta, the 32 GB S, but they didn't have black in stock. So, I did not get to eat the whole marshmallow. Not yet.

Now, I have to figure out what to do with the itouch I bought a few months ago?

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, July 26, 2009

RAGBRAI as memory

I am at Nina's. Bright-sunny, beautifully cool morning. I have done my
YWCA thing--stretched, meditated, lifted, ellipticalled.

Tomorrow, my fate is back to work. My week long vacatio ends. Much
will have changed in my work world. A consultant started last
Monday--a contractor via our vendor, basically. This week, another
vendor will be in for a three-day proof-of-concept. (Their tool finds
memory leaks--it has probably been memory leaks that have been at the
root of our misery for these last several months.)

I return to being oncall. I am the lead to get another new product
working for our code deployments and version control. (At least I
think I am the lead.) And, it is my turn for the pesky quarterly
disaster recovery exercise.

But for now, it is ogling whatever it is that I can find to ogle
coming in the door. Oogle, maybe?

D. And M. are coming to the Y. I am contemplating a bike ride. Not
terribly imaginative. I am sort of reluctant. I started snorting
Nasonex about a week ago for hay fever allergies. Now thinking I
should suppliment with Claritin. It would be classic to go for a ride
and to thereby get totally allergy wiped out.

The RAGBRAI 2009 is now history, but spiritually lives on. I am
currently dressed in some of the hundreds of dollars of biking clothes
I bought for the event.

Last nihgt at about 2:00 AM, the Molasses Asses bus form Shenandoah,
IA pulled up to and stopped at the house next door. And, I saw and
took a picture of that bus ths morning. It was parked around the
corner. Tried posting it to Twitpic, though didn't seem to work.

Pictures of the bike ride in general are to be found at the website of
The Destination Moines Register. I posted photos SomeKindaPossible on


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