I just hit the YouTube wall. I thought that I could watch videos on
the Wing, but no. Now I remember that there is some sort of mismatch
between their file format and the T-Mobile network. Perhaps that is
just as well, since writing, even as feasible as this is better than
watching videos IHMO.
In the tub I am. Liam is showering in the basement. Ah, just finished.
Dorothea has returned from dropping off at The Mall of America
Madeline and her friends, and is puttering about in the kitchen.
As the girls were leaving, Liam returned, dropped off from a camping
overnight with a friend's dad and five other boys.
The Led Zeppelin songs that I had queued up on the PC iTunes is finished.
I did not ride the bus at all last week. Two morning medical
appointments didn't help. I hope to get back in the groove next week.
I actually missed the writing time.
Dorothea and I had a bit of a tough time this morning. Me, for
starters--I didn't sleep well at all. So I slept in later than usual
for Saturday. Dorothea, bless her, wanted go to the Y. But by the time
that she was ready to go, I wasn't. And there were issues--she wanted
drop off her car for repairs and needed a ride, plus, since she had
made the effort, my backing out was slimy.
What didn't even realize (or remember) until was there is I don't like
the Y on Saturday mornings after 9:00. Kiddie ballet--Liam must have
done a session, probably as a four year-old; a super-packed water
aerobic--which must have raised the waterlevel in the pool by a foot;
a "train the trainer" class--well attended, and with lots of
merchandize for sale; yoga--this meant that all the studios were in
use; Madeline called during meditation--my attempt to meditate; a
little kid was annoying in the locker room.
Madeline called because she wanted sugar to make banana bread. We
stopped at Lulu's corner store to get it on our way home. The door to
the store was locked. A note taped to the door: "Back in ten minutes."
three little kids waiting outside the door told Dorothea that it had
been way more than ten minutes. As I was backing up in the little
parking lot of the little to leave, I backed into an elm stump.
The banana bread didn't turn out as expected due the out of
order--late--sugar, gotten by Dorothea from a neighbor.
All in all, it has been a good day so far.