Monday, November 12, 2007

Ad Hoc Bus Committee

5:24 AM

Back on the bus. This is not the white bus. How's that for a start?
Lame. But it's a start.

I saw my cholesterol results from my most recent physical. Went back
up. Discouraging. The one thing that I have going on is the Clif
bar--they're probably high in saturated fat. So I think that I will
try substituting with Kashi bars. Not ready to give up bars.

Also I think I am ready for WW at Work. Thursday.

Yesterday was the Meeting for Business. The Ad Hoc Committee for paid
staff was last on the agenda, and wasn't allotted enough time. So
yesterday I got in a month's worth of church attendance.


My idea is that I should be able to sit here and write, in the vein of
the people who are sitting and knitting and crocheting. Facing
constantly my feelings of inadequacy, brought up first by Richard the
clerk and his opening comments--instead of an inspirational quotation,
he pondered on the ad hoc committee, and brought on second by Paul and
his announcing about his mother-in-law's death. All about me, isn't


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