Friday, March 14, 2008

Icy crashes

The view was darkness and blanket of twinkling lights from the top of
the Dale Street-Concordia Avenue hill this morning.

Yesterday as I was driving to work, coming down the hill from West
Seventh near the intersection of Lexington and Montreal to Shepard
Road, I passed a car that had apparently quite recently slammed into a
light or power pole. The temperature was above freezing, but there was
glare ice in the early morning shade. A retirement-age man was sitting
behind the wheel. He looked like he was waiting.

I was sure what to do. As I got to the bottom of the hill and turned
onto Shepard, they was another car crash. The police were there. As I
passed, it occurred to me that they may not now of the old man crash
around the corner.

At next corner, I pulled over and called 911.


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