Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Election Day

Election Day. For us here in Saint Paul, Far Siberia, an incumbent
mayor, establishment Democrat, versus a Republican-backed upstart,
Eva. And IRV: Instant Runoff Voting. A weird issue, but a way, it
seems, break the two party oligarchy.

Below freezing this morning: barely--29 degrees. On bike again. At
Nina's, skipping YWCA. Was disoriented by the morning light. I had
bought and got myself configured yesterday with high-powered bike
lights, and was simply anticipating darkness. Dawn instead. The real
test will be on the ride home tonight.

Distracted reading cracked.com while eating my muffin, about the ten
worst places in the world to live. But now the muffin is consumed and
the coffee on the verge of being too chilled.

Quaker Men's group tonight. I am locked and loaded. Back to the
meetinghouse and the Grotto, which will undoubtedly look, after tens
of thousands of dollars sunk into remodeling the building, like the
dumpy basement room it has always been.

Oh yuck, the tone of this narrative is taking a nasty doenward turn.
Probably best if I just wrap up and head to work.

But wait--if you will. I must say that this is Day 3 of my
participation in nanowrimo--National Novel Writing Month. Goal is to
write 50,000 words during the month. 1,667 a day. So far I am on
track. The organization asks "is it a novel?" and answers "if you say
it is." So, I am essentially writing whatever. But hey. . . . . .


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