Monday, May 26, 2008

Continuing a long tradition of putzing with computers during a long holiday weekend...

Last night, I horrified myself. Returned from a bike ride of the bridges with Madeline and Dorothea. (Our house to Ford Parkway Bridge to Minnehaha Falls to Lake Street Bridge.) And, back in the basement, was fiddling with the dual display that I had gotten working between the laptop and the new flat screen. I did something whereby I lost the ability to control the screens. Ah, horror.
This morning, I disconnected the laptop from everything and rebooted. When I plugged the flat screen back in, voila!, it worked. And better than before, in that I got the behavior that I was really looking for--just the laptop display on the 20 inch monitor. So, I can plug the keyboard, mouse, and monitor into the laptop, close the lid, and forget about it.
I know this stuff is boring. But at least it is getting me back into the blog mode.
There are pictures (of trip to D.C., of Liam's birthday, Mother's Day, the Mayday parade, etc. at

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Today, my mobile blog is not mobile

I am at a PC. A PC in the basement, no less. So, the blogging is not so mobile today. There are lots of things that I haven't gotten to. The most immediate, though, is that I bought a flatscreen for the 3rd computer. I have the laptop connected. Tired of sitting at the dining room table with the laptop. Now, though, I am in the TV room with the children. Different experience. Also, I am pretty sure that I want to go ahead and move to Blogger. When my domain name was up earlier this year, I was emotionally ready to give it up, but was not technically ready to do so. The next time it comes around, either I will be ready to give it up, or, will not be my blog address, but it will be my web address. I just dragged a bunch of pictures to Flickr. The pictures extend from the Mayday parade to the D.C. trip.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Budding Birch


Sitting on the couch of the front porch. Gorgeous nice day. The birch
tree is beginning to bud. Last Sunday we finally put the patio
furniture out on the back deck. Haven't had to mow yet, but will soon.

Fairview Avenue is turning into my favorite, translucent green tunnel.
Dorothea has ridden her bike to work twice already. I have done the
bridges once. Yesterday, however, Dorothea had ridden her bicycle to
work, and it was raining in the afternoon. I thought it likely that I
would have to go and pick her up. But she ended up riding home anyway.

I think I will doze until it is time to take Liam to his second weekly
baseball practice.


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