On the bus, day two. This time I caught the "5:25" which really came
at 5:20. On my walk there is one place where there is a tree branch
overhanging the sidewalk from the right, and it is strategically
placed just at the point where, as I am approaching the corner, I am
looking to the left for the bus. It's a tough branch, too. I should
bring a bow saw with me.
7:22 AM
Hamline. Yesterday while I was trying to use the Pocket PC to figure
out the bus schedule, I happened upon the Wikipedia site for Twin
Cities Transit. So that gave some historical perspective. One thing
that was interesting to me was that TCT was still functioning, by that
time just with buses, until 1970. "Mary Tyler Moore" land.
212 this morning. Probably burned off a lot yesterday, the first day of bussing.
7:42 AM
That worked. I am now on the 84D. I still didn't get off at the right
stop, but a corner early, which ended up okay. Especially since there
was an amazing sunrise. I took a picture.
Last night I couldn't get to sleep, so I was YouTubing. I discovered a
whole genre, "upskirt, no panties." (Yes, one word.) mostly actresses
on talk shows with short-short skirts. I probably missed out on the
really good stuff because apparently you need to log in for that,
which I couldn't.