Smashing pumpkins moon. This morning the moon is like a bright
spotlight shining through the bedroom blinds. I just barely made the
bus. In fact I would have missed it if it hadn't stopped to let
someone off. I gave up my copy of the 21 schedule for Madeline. The
discussion is to get her to do afterschool tutoring.
Dorothea returned from her "cabin camping" trip at Lake Marie State
Park (pronounced 'mo-rye-ah'). She was there with Liz. Dorothea hacked
off a small piece of her thumb while using a hatchet to split wood.
She told of moonlit walks in the woods and fear. While on their
nocturnal stroll, they hear coyotes howl.
5:57 AM
My brain is nothing but a basket weave of neural detours. Sleep and meditation.
7:03 AM
Just barely caught this bus, too. I walked out of the Y expecting the
next bus, and, thinking that buses came about every twenty minutes, I
ran to catch this one--and did. Waiting for the next bus would have
been fine.