Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lingering Thunder Shower

Just when I'd usually get up, a thunder storm came through, and I
lingered in bed. Thinking that blue sky and sun would appear in the
storm's wake, I got up and put on my bike garb. The rain, however,
continued to tinkle, so I drove to the Y dressed for biking.

Now, sitting at Nina's, looking out thw window at blue sky and sunshine.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Quaker Men's Group Night

Quaker Men's Group night? Not sure, since I don't see an email
reminder. Oh well. Very pleasant sitting on the front porch, listening
to the sound of the rainfall.

M. and Stella are here too. M. is reading a book, "Swapping Lives," --
"An older lady book, but I like it," she says.

D. and Liam are at his soccer game. Very wet indeed. Apparently, no
lightening was close enough for to get the game canceled. Hopefully,
getting wet playing soccer was as pleasant for him (and D.) as getting
wet biking home was for me.

I am using the app Writingpad, and that is going okay, only mildly
frustrating. True test will be if I can copy/ paste to the blog. Here

Sent from my iPod

Monday, June 15, 2009

How my brain does (or doesn't) work ~ Example #1

I have been biking as much as possible lately. This means that I am getting deeper into concerns about biking paraphernalia, specifically: paraphernalia as relates to clothing. As such, I have noted that other bikers are wearing more fluorescent green this year. Vests, pants, even gloves. In fact, I was quite taken with the idea of glowing green gloves, and made a mental note to look for some. My gloves, black gloves, were getting ratty, and I decided to buy a new pair, black, when I saw gloves at Express Bikes while waiting for a repair. Not only did I space out the dream of fluorescent green gloves-- I proceeded to lose the new pair. Or so I thought, until I understood that what I had was one of the new and one of the old gloves. I didn't get the green. And, not only did I lose a pair, I actually lost one of each. How'd I do that?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Gecko Wall Street

Watched the end of the movie Wall Street last night. People were
smoking at their desks, not fastened seatbelts in cars, looking at
small green monochrome screens that were not in cubicles, talking on
cellphones as big as WW II walkie talkies.

Those phones were huge in status as well as size. Not shown in the
movie, but as I remember it, those original cellphones required that
you lugged around a suitcase full of electronics.

Twenty years later, we're a bunch of non-smoking seatbelters with
"Beam me up Scottie"-size communicators.

Such is the pace of positive change. Such is what I hang my hopes on.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Tmobile Wing dies (again)

Just got off the phone with Tmobile support. They will be sending me my fourth Wing replacement in two years. The math is looking pretty ugly on this. ("The Wing" is a Windows Mobile PDA, made by HTC.) Is it time to go to an iPhone? Less than two weeks ago, I bought an iTouch from BestBuy, figuring the Wing would survive longer. Wrong. Especially a bummer since I was counting on using the Wing to submit updates to the blog. Second cold and rainy day in a row, and there's more on the way. But I don't think anyone here is too upset, since we really have been dry--global-warming-is-looming dry. Hard on the local outdoor festival, Grand Old Days, but that's the way it goes. As usual, I vaguely remember having some brilliant ideas earlier for this update, but, of course, have forgot them. So, if anyone is reading this, welcome to me dragging you through my writer's block. I am sure that I will think of brilliant and exciting things in the future, and capture them here.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The rest of my walk

By cracky, if I can't keep a promise to myself to start blogging again. . .

Twitter is like one of those old intense merry-go-rounds, the small
ones, for two or three people standing up. True lesson in physics.

I am on way to pick up car from shop. Liam's guitar recital is later
this morning. (Er, "pizza party.")

This type of writing, the greater than 140 characters at a time kind,
is more like sitting alone on one of those big merry-go-rounds, gently
pushing along with one foot.

So, the weather: we gotta a drought here. Lawns brown, lake levels
down, streams piddling. Rain in forecast next couple of days. Raining

After I finish my coffee here at Caribou, the rest of my walk--I'll get wet.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Test to see if I set up Twitterfeed correctly

Test to see if I set up Twitterfeed correctly

Missed photo op

At the YWCA. Finished meditating. That sounds pretty pathetic. Maybe
for fifteen minutes I went. Is one ever done meditating?

Quite tired. Was up til 12:30 AM. Watched Tom Hanks on Conan, Steve
Martin and Paul Simon on Fallon. I got to that point because I wasn't
quite ready to go to bed earlier. I was kind of drifting
aimlessly--Twitter, frig, newspaper-- when the phone rang about 10:30.
I dread late night phone calls. But it was Madeline, wanting to get
picked up after playing in the band at Saint Paul Central's

It was one year ago, during the 2008 graduation, that Barack Obama
gave his victory speech next door at the Xcel Center.

I was thinking about all this while sitting on a balance ball in the
YWCA's Selby studio, looking out the window across Western Avenue, at
the rear of the College of Visual Arts and Costello's Bar, I saw a man
painting strips on the parking lot. Not only did the yellow paint glow
in the morning sunlight, but so did the yellow machine the he was
usung to paint the lines. Great photo. Harold and crayonesque. Curious

Taking my cellphone, I headed over there. Out the opposite side of the
building, round to Selby, across Western, through the parking lot.
There the guy was, standing over by his truck,, smoking a cigarette,
his yellow machine no where in sight. He was done.

I accidently took a picture of his boots.


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