Monday, June 15, 2009
How my brain does (or doesn't) work ~ Example #1
I have been biking as much as possible lately. This means that I am getting deeper into concerns about biking paraphernalia, specifically: paraphernalia as relates to clothing. As such, I have noted that other bikers are wearing more fluorescent green this year. Vests, pants, even gloves. In fact, I was quite taken with the idea of glowing green gloves, and made a mental note to look for some.
My gloves, black gloves, were getting ratty, and I decided to buy a new pair, black, when I saw gloves at Express Bikes while waiting for a repair. Not only did I space out the dream of fluorescent green gloves-- I proceeded to lose the new pair. Or so I thought, until I understood that what I had was one of the new and one of the old gloves. I didn't get the green. And, not only did I lose a pair, I actually lost one of each. How'd I do that?