for fifteen minutes I went. Is one ever done meditating?
Quite tired. Was up til 12:30 AM. Watched Tom Hanks on Conan, Steve
Martin and Paul Simon on Fallon. I got to that point because I wasn't
quite ready to go to bed earlier. I was kind of drifting
aimlessly--Twitter, frig, newspaper-- when the phone rang about 10:30.
I dread late night phone calls. But it was Madeline, wanting to get
picked up after playing in the band at Saint Paul Central's
It was one year ago, during the 2008 graduation, that Barack Obama
gave his victory speech next door at the Xcel Center.
I was thinking about all this while sitting on a balance ball in the
YWCA's Selby studio, looking out the window across Western Avenue, at
the rear of the College of Visual Arts and Costello's Bar, I saw a man
painting strips on the parking lot. Not only did the yellow paint glow
in the morning sunlight, but so did the yellow machine the he was
usung to paint the lines. Great photo. Harold and crayonesque. Curious
Taking my cellphone, I headed over there. Out the opposite side of the
building, round to Selby, across Western, through the parking lot.
There the guy was, standing over by his truck,, smoking a cigarette,
his yellow machine no where in sight. He was done.
I accidently took a picture of his boots.