Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kitty's cat retires to Florida

Having a little discussion with Lou about not pronouncing her "R"s as
"W"s. She is sitting at the diningroom table, at her laptop withits
Deutsch keyboard, writing a story, in German for some online contest.

Dorothea and I walked in the rain to yoga at Ramsey Junior High.
Kitty, the instructor, told the story of how cat of fifteen years was
retiring to Florida. An aunt there will take the cat. The cat had to
go because Kitty's grandson, who lives with her, is allergic.

The cat's flight was scheduled to arrived Florida while we were in
class. Right in the middle of a sun salutation, Kitty asked if she
could use someone's phone. Fall asleep in Minnesota, wake up in
Florida, permanently. Doesn't sound so bad.

Frustrated with writing on the iPhone. I charged up the 'ol T-mobile
Wing, with its ample, mechanical keyboard. It is no longer a
functioning phone, but otherwise is working, and does have wireless.
And, to be honest, I like using the little pen-pointer thingy.

Also, it is a real computer. Several programs running at the same
time. Java and Adobe Flash. Mmmmm.


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